QR Codes
Roland Barth believed that one particular picture will exist to one person, but to others it will be an indifferent or not establish objectivity. He stated, “One of the thousand manifestations of the ‘ordinary.’ The picture can still generate an interest i.e.: period, clothes, photogeny; but in it, for you, no wound.” This wound he discusses is what creates an attachment to an image. I use my own images I’ve taken as my base for research on Google Image Search. The results from the search are created into a QR code to compare the results.
Roland Barth believed that one particular picture will exist to one person, but to others it will be an indifferent or not establish objectivity. He stated, “One of the thousand manifestations of the ‘ordinary.’ The picture can still generate an interest i.e.: period, clothes, photogeny; but in it, for you, no wound.” This wound he discusses is what creates an attachment to an image. I use my own images I’ve taken as my base for research on Google Image Search. The results from the search are created into a QR code to compare the results.